Units and dimensions

Hi friends welcome to Pegus Expedition and this blog is for the theoritical topics of the chapter units and dimensions.
The topics which have not been discussed in video are
1-Dimensional formula
2-Significant figures

1-Dimensional formula
Dimensional formula of a physical quantity is the formula which tells us how and which of the fundamental units have been used for the measurement of that quantity. 
An equation written in the following manner is called dimensional equation.
Area = [M0L2T0]

How to Write Dimensions of Physical Quantities:-

Dimensions of a physical quantity can be determined as follows:
(a) Write the formula for that quantity, with the quantity on L.H.S. of  the equation.
(b) Convert all the quantities on R.H.S. into the fundamental quantities mass, length and time.
(c) Substitute M,L, and T for mass, length and time respectively.
(d) Collect terms of M,L and T and find their resultant powers (a,b,c) which give the dimensions of the quantity in mass, length and time respectively.
Fundamental quantity notations
a)mass- M
c)time- T
d) current-I
2- Significant figures rules
  • All non-zero digits are significant. For example, 866 has three significant figures and 0.866 also has three significant figures..
  • Zeros to the left of the first non-zero digit in the number are not significant. For example, 0.008 has only one significant figure and 0.0085 has two significant figures.
  • Zeros between non-zero digits are significant. For example, 3.05 has three significant figures.
    • Zeros to the right of the decimal point are significant. For example, 6.00, 0.60 and 0.6000 have 3, 2 and 4 significant figures.
    • If a number ends with zeros that does not have decimal, the zeros are not significant. For example: 3800 has two significant figures.
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